A bushy shrub or small tree displaying spiny shoots with glossy dark green leaves that turn yellow in autumn.
Produces clusters of small yellow flowers followed by red berries that ripen to black.
Suitable for hedging, wild or woodland gardens.
Growing Conditions:
Grow in moist soils in open woodlands and bogs.
Value To Wildlife:
Flowers are attractive to bees and other pollinators. Berries are eaten by birds, especially robins and thrushes and other wildlife. Provides valuable habitat for birds.
Important Note:
You’ll receive a 2 year old well established whip that's between 20 to 60cm in height.
This is a deciduous tree and so will shed its leaves in autumn, in order to protect itself from the cold winter weather. Come spring, it’ll burst back into bud and begin to flourish once more.
Additional Information
Whip height
British native
Growth rate
Maximum height
Time to maximum height
Tree type